Folk&Kid's/ English

Song for the Close of School|仰げば尊し

Naf 2014. 9. 28. 07:22

Original : Song for the Close of School
Japanese : 仰げば尊し

English : Song for the Close of School (1871)
Lyricist : T. H. Brosnan
Composer : Unknown (H.N.D. or H.S. Perkins)
Genre : Scottish Folk Song

We part today to meet, perchance,
Till God shall call us home;
And from this room we wander forth,
Alone, alone to roam.
And friends we've known in childhood's days
May live but in the past,
But in the realms of light and love
May we all meet at last.

Farewell old room, within thy walls
No more with joy we'll meet;
Nor voices join in morning song,
Nor ev'ning hymn repeat.
But when in future years we dream
Of scenes of love and truth,
Our fondest tho'ts will be of thee,
The school-room of our youth.

Farewell to thee we loved so well,
Farewell our schoolmates dear;
The tie is rent that linked our souls
In happy union here.
Our hands are clasped, our hearts are full,
And tears bedew each eye;
Ah, 'tis a time for fond regrets,
When school-mates say "Good Bye"

【 Fin 】

Japanese : 仰げば尊し (1882) [あおげばとうとし]
Lyricist : Unknown (大槻文彦, 里見義, 加部厳夫)
Music : Scottish Folk Song - Song for the Close of School
Genre : 唱歌

仰げば尊し 我が師の恩

あおげばとうとし わがしのおん
우러러보면 드높은 스승의 은혜

教えの庭にも はや幾年

おしえのにわにも はやいくとせ
교정에도 많은 세월 빠르게 흘렀네

思えば いと疾し この年月

おもえば いととし このとしつき
돌아보면 쏜살같이 지나간 세월

今こそ 別れめ いざさらば

いまこそ わかれめ いざさらば
이제는 헤어질 때 그럼 안녕

互いに睦みし 日ごろの恩

たがいにむつみし ひごろのおん
서로 정다웠던 날들의 고마움

別るる後にも やよ 忘るな

わかるるのちにも やよ わするな
헤어진 후에도 잊지 않길

身を立て 名をあげ やよ 励めよ

みをたて なをあげ やよ あげめよ
이름을 드높이기 위해 노력하자

今こそ 別れめ いざさらば

いまこそ わかれめ いざさらば
이제는 헤어질 때 그럼 안녕

朝夕 馴にし 学びの窓

あさゆう なれにし まなびのまど
밤낮으로 정들었던 배움의 창

蛍の灯火 積む白雪

ほたるのともしび つむしらゆき
반딧불의 불빛 하얗게 쌓인 눈

忘るる 間ぞなき ゆく年月

わするる まぞなき ゆくとしつき
잊지 못할 지나간 세월

今こそ 別れめ いざさらば

いまこそ わかれめ いざさらば
이제는 헤어질 때 그럼 안녕

【 Fin 】

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